Approaches to reading
Approaches and Strategies for Reading
Reading comes under the curriculum area of My Communication but is addressed across the curriculum to promote contextual learning and functionality.
There is an emphasis on all strands of communication and this is reflected through the timetabling where pupils have daily access to My Communication sessions.
Pupils at Archdale School are at various stages of early literacy development and their reading abilities are at different developmental stages. At Archdale we support pupils in understanding that objects and pictures have symbolic meaning in addition to letters, sounds and words. In this way most pupils are developing their reading along a continuum:
Recognising objects - recognising photographs - recognising pictures and symbols - recognising letters and words
For children who are developing their understanding of reading and phonics, we are currently reviewing our approaches and assessments so that pupils have a personalised approach dependent on our knowledge of them and how they learn best. We are developing a school based structure alongside a tracking system consistent with more well known phonics programmes.
- Phonics: Teachers have started to use Little Wandle programme to deliver phonics to specific pupils working at a letter recognition and acquisition level (early reading skills).
- Book Banding – Each class has access to book banding facilities providing a range of different reading materials for pupils. Teacher ensure that pupils are reading individually in class and using a variety of books
- The School library – The school library is a resource for all children to access reading materials at a variety of levels and to promote a love of reading more generally
You can find out more about our approaches to reading by contacting the school directly.