Archdale Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S2 1PL


Archdale School

Safeguarding Sheffield Children - sscb

Safeguarding Information

Archdale School has a safeguarding policy which outlines how we keep our children safe. Staff regularly receive safeguarding training to ensure we are up to date and well informed to carry out our safeguarding responsibilities effectively.  

We have a team of staff supporting safeguarding in the school community.  

Area of responsibility Staff member
Designated Safeguarding Governor  Jill Lebihan
Designated Safeguarding Lead Catherine Shipton, Headteacher 
Designated Safeguarding Deputies

Sandra Connaughton, Assistant Headteacher

Melanie Brunt, Healthcare

Jemima Hall, Healthcare 

Online / E safety 

Jemima Hall, Healthcare


We have a duty in school to follow up any concerns in school with both families and other professionals.

Parents / Carers.

Parents/carers can contact the school to seek advice on safeguarding issues.

Additional information on safeguarding is available for parents - click on links below:

Keeping Children Safe: Information for Parents and Carers

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2022

Working Together in Sheffield Education Settings

Online access to Keeping Children safe in Education can be found here:

Information about Sheffield LA policies and processes can be found here:

The Safeguarding Sheffield Children website has a section for parents/carers

E-safety awareness for parents can be found here.



PREVENT (Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation)

The ‘Prevent’ duty:

All education settings must try to prevent children and young people from being drawn into terrorism & extremism, whilst carrying out your usual educational functions.

To view the Sheffield Safeguarding Children's Policy on PREVENT click here